One winter afternoon, several years ago in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, I walked through a two-acre patch of coniferous trees heaped with snow. I heard something slapping needled, snow-covered boughs ahead of me and saw snow showering down from those limbs. Then I saw a few large birds winging deeper among the evergreens, and away from me because they were alarmed at my approach. Not to press them further, I stopped and watched them from where I stood. They were owls, and I later learned they were long-eared owls. Since that time, I've been thrilled to see several little groups of wintering long-eared owls roosting by day in groves and clumps of tall evergreen trees in various suburbs of southeastern Pennsylvania. Those beautiful owls remained on their shadowy, needled perches and stared down at me, I guess because they felt secure there. After looking at the owls briefl...