While sitting on our back deck to enjoy the lovely scenery and weather during the afternoon of July 21, 2023, I noticed a tiny, red speck in our tall Norway spruce tree on our suburban lawn in southeastern Pennsylvania. Peering at that red spot with 16 power binoculars, I saw it was a beautiful male house finch feeding three fledgling house finches; his offspring. Those gray and dark-streaked young birds fluttered their wings vigorously while being fed invertebrates and seeds. And the wild charm of those birds was decidedly enhanced by the deep-green of the needled spruce boughs. Those four house finches were a lovely, exciting sight to me. I know that species of small birds raises young in our neighborhood every summer, including a pair of house finches that hatch offspring on a support under an awning over our deck. But never before had I watched a father house finch feed his young outside their twig and...