In June of 2023, I have been daily watching two osprey nests by live camera and our computer screen. One osprey cradle of sticks and grass is on a human-made platform in the Blackwater River in Maryland and the other one is on a platform in a salt marsh at the Wetlands Institute along coastal New Jersey. Three young ospreys are in the Blackwater nursery, while two osprey chicks are in the Jersey cradle. The father of each brood frequently brings a large fish to his offspring, while the mothers stay on their nurseries to guard the youngsters. On the afternoon of June 23, just as I brought up the Blackwater nest on our computer, I saw the male land on the nest with a fish, still flapping its tail, in his talons. I watched as his mate tore pieces off the fish, starting at the head, and fed them to her half-grown charges, and ate some of those chunks herself. The male, meanwhile, lifted off into the wind and w...