There is a fresh-water oasis flowing into a bay in the long, lean, bayside marsh at Bayview and Twenty-fourth Streets on Long Beach Island, New Jersey. Take New Jersey Route 72 east on a bridge over that bay to Surf City on that barrier island with sandy beaches on its Atlantic Ocean side. Several kinds of wintering water birds come to that oasis to drink fresh water flowing from a brook into the saltwater bay between that developed barrier island and the Jersey mainland. And I have been watching those birds daily from mid-December to mid-February through a live camera and our home computer screen. The fresh-water brook flows through a long, lean marsh of clump grass, tall grass, high, plumed phragmites and narrow, shallow channels on Long Beach Island. When the tide goes out, a mud flat is exposed where the brook dumps silt in the bay at its shoreline, building it up. Water birds...