Lake Onalaska, a large backwater off the Mississippi River, was full of birds from September to mid-November of 2022. I daily saw those birds via a live camera on the Mississippi Flyway in Wisconsin and our home computer screen. Non-breeding American white pelicans, double-crested cormorants and ring-billed gulls dominated the shallows and mudflats of Onalaska during September. All these birds are fish-eaters, but catch their prey in different ways. Groups of pelicans float in a line in shallow water to herd fish into schools. Then the pelicans, all together, lunge forward with beaks open and in the water to scoop up bunches of fish. Cormorants dive under water from the surface to snare fish in their bills, one at a time. And gulls catch fish from the surface of the water. Gulls also scavenge dead fish. Little groups of red-winged blackbirds swayed on the tops of wild...