During March and into April of 2021, I had been watching migrating birds stopping at Lake Onalaska, a lake off the Mississippi River in Wisconsin, which is part of the Mississippi Flyway, through a live camera and our home computer screen. Lake Onalaska was mostly frozen early in March. But as soon as the ice started melting close to mid-March, the lake, and the sky above it, became full of handsome, graceful, north-bound birds of several kinds. Every species of bird has unique beauties and intrigues. Each kind is built for what it does in its unique niche to get food and raise young. It was interesting to see several majestic bald eagles arriving on Lake Onalaska in mid-March to join relatives who wintered there. And it was intriguing to see some of those eagles jumping on thin ice to break it and extract dead fish from it. By the second we...